Feeling Great!

Mike and I are about 5 weeks or so into positively perfect paleo. We’ve had our cheat meals (not days) and have enjoyed recipes that strict paleo eaters would say is a no-no. Have I lost weight? Probably, although I don’t weigh myself. I think I went down a jean size but again my original size is slightly big and the dropped size is slightly snug. So why the hell have I cut out all those delicious fried chicken, fast food and junk? I feel great! My energy level has increased and my digestive system is so much better.

Eight years ago, I will never forget the stomach pain that sent me to the hospital. It was my senior year in college and I loved going to the dining hall, to the bars and eating fat sandwiches at 2 in the morning. Don’t judge – it was college, haha. After about a week stay at St. Peter’s Hospital in New Brunswick and numerous tests and procedures, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (UC). I had to significantly alter my diet, removing high fibrous foods and incorporating easily digested foods. Within a year, diet and a regime of medicines, my UC was under control and I lived a normal life.

About six months ago, my stomach pains returned, not nearly as severe but enough for me to seek out a gastroenterologist. He immediately set me up with medicines and scheduled a procedure within 2 days. He was able to conclude that I don’t have UC (yay!) but that I have diverticulous, a condition that requires a high fiber diet.

The combination of what I thought was UC and the ultimate diagnosis is diverticulous has me question the things I put into my body regularly. Paleo isn’t necessarily the end all be all; however, eating paleo – positively perfectly – has me looking at food differently. I seek out whole foods and foods that I would not necessarily have eaten. I like to eat and enjoy finding creative ways to eat the things I love in a more organic and natural way. My stomach doesn’t hurt and I feel good!


Winners Never Cheat But Cheat Meals For The Win

So tonight, I had all intentions of making a delicious meal friendly to our healthy lifestyle. Life gets in the way sometimes. You work a little too late, the dog wants some attention and you HAVE to do work around the house. It happens despite your efforts. Tonight was just that kind of night – crazy busy with one thing after another and my meal required me to go to the grocery store.

I’m currently in the car, on my way home from dinner with our good friends, Dan and Steph. Yep, we went for sushi. Well Mike had sushi. I had my usual chicken teriyaki.

Cheat meal rather than a cheat day – we still feel good because we ate healthy all day and are ready to jump right back into it tomorrow morning.



Getting the Gear to Get Back Into Gear

Thanks to Mike’s persistent researching and googling, he found Rogue Fitness bumper plates and an Olympic bar on craigslist for about half the cost of what it would have cost us to buy brand new. All we needed to buy to make some basic WODS happen was a much lighter weight bar for me! Sweet deal and now we can workout without having to trek in this god awful, below zero cold! Here are some shots of our WOD – clean and jerks!







Creamy Italian Chicken Tomato Soup

Temps are dropping today… and we’re expecting to be below freezing for the next week here in the Hudson Valley. I can’t stand the cold and neither can Mike – my super supportive husband. Who wants to join us in St. Lucia?! Looks tempting, right?

La Dera in St. Lucia
La Dera in St. Lucia

When the cold is unavoidable, there’s nothing like a tasty soup to warm you up. I’m a fan of the creamy and hearty soups. They always seem more like a meal than the other “brothy” types. Although cream doesn’t quite fit in to my healthy lifestyle, a little bit of coconut milk modifications to the typical creamy tomato and viola! A Paleo Creamy Italian Chicken Tomato Soup

Yield: 8-10


3 large boneless skinless chicken breasts ( I used Perdue, individually packed chicken breasts, Italian seasoned – it added a lot more flavoring)
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 can coconut milk
1 cup chicken broth
1 14 ounce can diced tomatoes, keep the juice
1 8 ounce can tomato sauce
2 tablespoons Italian seasoning
1 tablespoon dried basil
1/2 teaspoon sea salt


I use the crockpot any chance I get. It’s easy to make and it has an easy clean up, especially when you use these great slow cooker liners!

Throw all the ingredients above into the crockpot, stir until well blended and cook on low for 8 hours. After 8 hours, take out the chicken breasts and shred them with two forks. Throw the chicken back into the crockpot, stir and serve!


Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

Diet is only good if it becomes a lifestyle change and then it’s not a diet.

Admit it, we all crave the things we really shouldn’t eat… The carbs, the chocolate, the fried food. I’ve found that with diets, it’s hard to stick to if you don’t find ways to curb those wants. Instead of wiping your life of those things that you want, find ways to supplement it in a healthy way.

I LOVE chocolate… And I mean love it. If I don’t find a way to fuel my chocolate fix, I will be forced to pull the plug on my new lifestyle faster than Sony pictures pulled The Interview.

Below is an awesome Peanut Butter Cup recipe that is positively perfect Paleo – for me! It’s not 100% Paleo but it is way healthier than those Reese cups that I love so much.

Yields 6

1 cup of all natural peanut butter: check out Performance Food Centers for an awesome tasting PB!
1tbsp honey
1tbsp coconut oil
1 cup Enjoy Life dark chocolate chips (I usually find them in the gluten free section of the grocery store)


Pour the chocolate chips in a bowl that will sit snuggly on top of a pot of boiling water. I melt my chips like this so as to avoid burning the chocolate in the microwave.

While the chips melt, spoon the peanut butter, honey and oil in a microwave safe bowl and heat for 1 minute. Stir until it is well blended.

Divide the peanut butter in a large muffin tin (6). Once the chocolate chips have fully melted, divide it on top of the peanut butter.

Place in the freezer for approximately one hour, until completely frozen.



Positively Perfect

I’m one of nine grandchildren on my mom’s side – the oldest in fact. “Positively perfect”, a phrase Grandmom would often say. “I have nine positively perfect grandchildren”. Are we perfect? Hell no! Do we have imperfections? Absolutely. But she loved us nonetheless. Grandmom was an inspirational woman… A woman who would grab life by the horns.

The past few weeks I’ve been thinking a lot about my life (as I approach the big 3-0) and about Grandmom (12.20.11). I am setting new life goals and working to improve myself. I’ve begun eating Paleo and treating my body the way it really should be treated – with respect. I’ve recognized the woman I’ve become and although not perfect, I am “positively perfect”.

So what is positively perfect? And where does this come into play for my blog? Let me start with Grandmom. I asked my mom, what does positively perfect mean? I left it open ended just like that… didn’t tell her why I was asking. This was her response:

Well, as you know, your grandmom declared that she had 9 positively perfect grandchildren and she was right. That’s not to say, you are without flaws. It just means that through her eyes, you are all perfect the way you are. She loved each of you uniquely and the very trait that might drive others crazy, she would find very endearing! I think that sums up Grandmom Judy’s definition of positively perfect.

So how does this tie into my blog? I want to document my journey. Share my experiences with Paleo and how an everyday kinda gal does it. No diet fad is perfect but it can be “positively perfect” for the most important person, YOU!

Come along my journey with me. Share your thoughts and experiences and check back often!

Dedication: Grandmom Judy, 1943-2011
